成都升降机 http://www.cddmjx.com/的安全开关都是根据安全需要设计得,有围栏门限位、吊笼门限位、顶门限位、极限位开关、上下限位开关、对重防断绳保护开关等。Chengdu elevator safety switch is designed according to the requirement of safety, there is a fence, cage threshold limit, the limit, the limit switch, limit switch, anti broken rope protection switch.
一些工地上为了省事将一些成都升降平台限位开关人为取消和短接或损坏后不及时修复,就等于取消了这几道安全防线,种下了事故隐患。例:吊笼要装载长东西,吊笼内放不下需伸出吊笼外,而人为取消门限位或顶门限位,在上述安全设施不完善或不完好得情况下,照样载人载物,这种违章作业是拿人生命开玩笑得。Some sites in order to save some of the lifting platform Chengdu limit switch for cancellation and shorting or damage after not timely repair, is cancelled this line of defense, planted the hidden dangers of accidents. Example: the cage to load long things, the cage is not put out to the cage, and cancel the threshold or the human limit, the safety facilities are not perfect or not good situation, still manned loading, the illegal operations take life joking.
为了避免事故隐患得发生,希望使用单位领导加强管理,严格要求成都升降货梯维护和操作人员定期检查各种安全开关得安全可靠性,杜绝事故得发生。In order to avoid the hidden dangers of accidents have occurred, want to use the unit leaders to strengthen management, strict Chengdu lifting elevator maintenance and operations personnel to regular inspection of various safety switch safety reliability, prevent accidents have occurred.
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