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文章出处:www.cddmjx.com 责任编辑:admin 人气:4277 发表时间:2017-11-29 19:42:55

成都升降机的液压泵站在出厂时已调定系统压力;非专业维修人员,私自调节成都升降机泵站上的各个螺母都有可能对升降平台的正常使用造成十分严重的安全隐患。但是机械设备发生故障在所难免,下面成都升降机厂家为您解析液压泵站的调节办法。Chengdu hydraulic pump lift in the factory has been adjusting the system pressure; non professional maintenance personnel, to adjust each lift pumping station on the Chengdu nut may have normal use of the lifting platform caused very serious security risks. However, the failure of mechanical equipment is inevitable, the following Chengdu elevator manufacturers to resolve the hydraulic pump station for you to adjust the way.

一般在21~23Mpa,如需要调高压力,可将溢流阀帽盖旋下,按顺时针方向旋转调压螺钉,每旋45°,压力约上升1.2Mpa。反之,则调低压力;如需调节下降速度可由节流阀调节,方法:旋松节流阀的并紧螺母,然后旋转节流阀芯(顺时针为慢,反之为快),调节时每次旋转15°左右为宜。成都升降机调节好后再并紧螺母,防止节流阀跟旋。Generally in the 21~23Mpa, such as the need to increase the pressure, the valve cap can be screwed down, according to the clockwise rotation of the pressure regulating screw, each spin 45 degrees, the pressure increases by about 1.2Mpa. On the other hand, lower pressure drop; to regulate the speed can be adjusted by the throttle valve throttle valve and method: unscrew the nut, then rotate the valve spool (clockwise to slow and fast), adjust each spin around 15 degrees. Chengdu elevator adjustment and then tighten the nut to prevent the throttle valve with spin.

成都升降机电动卸荷阀动力单元在停电时,可以通过手动放油阀实现卸荷功能,方法:旋下手动放油阀盖形螺帽,然后逆时针方向旋转阀芯30°,即可卸荷。卸荷结束后,再拧紧放油螺丝,继而旋上盖形螺帽并紧。Chengdu electric lift unloading valve power unit in the power outage, you can manually put the oil valve unloading function, manual method: unscrew the oil drain valve cap nut, then the counter clockwise rotation of the valve core 30 degrees, can be unloaded. After unloading, and then tighten the drain screw and screw on the cap nut and tighten.

成都升降机机械设备的正常运转,就如同人之身体。“养生”好过”治病“所以设备的正常及时的保养才是保证设备寿命及设备正常运转的关键。Chengdu elevator machinery and equipment, such as the normal operation of the body. "Health" better "cure" so the normal and timely maintenance of equipment is the key to ensure the normal operation of equipment life and equipment.

成都升降机做到定期更换液压油,定期检查各个螺母是否松动,定期检查电器系统,定期检查液压系统。Chengdu elevator to replace the hydraulic oil regularly, regularly check whether each nut is loose, regularly check the electrical system, regularly check the hydraulic system.

成都升降机厂家认为,做到如上几点,方能保证成都升降机经久不衰,持续使用。一般需要调节液压阀门的情况发生的时候,往往是因为没有及时更换液压油导致液压系统的油路堵塞造成的。Chengdu elevator manufacturers believe that, do the above, to ensure that the Chengdu elevator enduring, sustainable use. Generally need to adjust the situation of the hydraulic valve occurs, often because there is no timely replacement of hydraulic oil caused by hydraulic system caused by the blockage of the oil.



