Chengdu lifting elevator in the use of the process should pay attention to the temperature of the hydraulic oil temperature is too high, will have a certain impact on the lifting elevator, so our users as much as possible to reduce the effect of high temperature on the mechanical equipment, in order to avoid problems.
Chengdu lifting elevator hydraulic oil flash point is high, usually up to more than and 100 degrees will be spontaneous combustion, this is also the reason why the use of hydraulic oil. But the oil temperature will according to the environment and the frequency of use and heightening, hydraulic oil temperature is too high after the cylinder will cause the seal oil changes, may lead to severe cylinder failure.
Chengdu lifting elevator in hot weather, we must pay attention to the problem of oil, as far as possible to reduce the temperature, can be changed by the environment temperature or increase the hydraulic oil tank to reduce the temperature increase.
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