四川升降机的速度很慢,正常的情况下一分钟三到六米,如果设备自身出现一些问题,可能还会出现更慢的情况。很多客户不明白为什么这样慢,是什么原因影响它的速度呢?Sichuan elevator speed is very slow, the normal situation of one minute three to six meters, if the device itself has some problems, there may be a more slow situation. Many customers do not understand why so slow, what is the reason for its speed?
1.动力单元调节,凡是四川升降机液压设备都有动力单元,液压油通过动力单元调节可以增大或者减小进入油缸的流量,从而来控制速度。Power unit adjustment, all the Sichuan elevator hydraulic equipment has a power unit, hydraulic oil through the power unit can be adjusted to increase or reduce the flow into the cylinder, so as to control the speed.
2.油管,液压油通过油管进入油缸。如果四川升降机油管过长或者说油管在中间有破裂等情况,则会造成液压油流失或者速度减慢。Tubing, hydraulic oil through the tubing into the cylinder. If the Sichuan lift pipe is too long or the oil pipe in the middle of a breakdown and so on, it will cause the loss of hydraulic oil or slow down.
3.货物的重量,四川升降机超负载重或者承重过大也会影响升降的速度,下降的时候负重则会加快下降的速度,而上升的时候负重则会造成速度过慢。The weight of goods, Sichuan lift truck load or load is too large will affect the speed of the rise and fall, when the load will accelerate the decline of the speed, while the rise of load will cause the speed is too slow.
4.油缸的尺寸,油缸是为了承重而设计的尺寸,如果四川升降机油缸的直径和长度过长,也会造成贵州升降平台速度过慢。The size of the cylinder, the cylinder is designed to load bearing size, if the diameter and length of the Sichuan elevator cylinder is too long, it will cause the Guizhou platform to slow the speed of the lifting platform.
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