成都升降机在使用过程中停电是常碰到的问题,常常给人们带来困扰。我们往往更手足无措,而且处理不好会出现事故。Chengdu elevator in the use of power outages are often encountered problems, often bring trouble to people. We are often more helpless, and will deal with the accident.
很多客户遇到这个问题都不知道如何解决在生产设备的时候也为了防止这一事故的发生,提前进行在成都升降机设备里面加入了保护装置。Many customers have encountered this problem do not know how to solve the production equipment in order to prevent the occurrence of this accident, in advance of the elevator equipment in Chengdu to join the protection device.
1.成都升降机在升起的状态下停电,就是停在原位置,不会下降,这本身也是一种保护,为了防止因为意外事故而导致迅速的下坠。Chengdu lifts with the rising of the state power, is to stop in the same position, will not decline, which in itself is a kind of protection, in order to prevent accidents caused because of rapidly falling.
2.但是如果成都升降机遇到载人或者载物的时候停电。哪么人和物就在空间中下不来的情况。为此我们在设计的时候增加了一个手动泄压阀,防止这种情况发生。当然如果在使用的时候出现按钮失灵的情况,也可以使用这个按钮。However, if the Chengdu elevator encounter manned or cargo when the power outage. What do people and things get down in the space of the situation. To this end we designed the time to increase a manual pressure relief valve to prevent the occurrence of such a situation. Of course, if the use of the case when the button failure, you can use this button.
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