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专注升降机械多年 做客户放心厂家

当前位置:首页 » 哪种升降机使用频率比较高?


文章出处:www.cddmjx.com 责任编辑:admin 人气:2643 发表时间:2017-11-29 19:54:02

市面上使用较多的成都升降机有两种,剪叉式和导轨式的。剪叉式由于投入的时间较久有较大的市场占用率,而导轨式是近几年才流行的一种货物升降设备。There are two kinds of Chengdu lifts, which are used in the market, and the scissors and the guide rail. Shear fork type as a result of a longer time to invest a larger market occupancy rate, and the guide rail is only a few years before the popular cargo lifting equipment.

而如果客户的使用频率过高的话,则不建议使用剪叉式升降机,这是什么原因呢?And if the customer's use of the frequency is too high, then it is not recommended to use scissors fork lift, which is why?

由于剪叉式设备是通过自身的折叠上升和下降的,它每一次上升和下降都是各轴承之间一次磨损,长时间的使用,有时候就会磨断轴承,而如果对此进行更换,则会造成平台的不平行,从而产生更大的磨损。The scissor device is rising and falling through the folding itself, it each time the rise and fall of each bearing a wear, use for a long time, sometimes will wear off and bearing, if this replacement will cause the platform is not parallel, resulting in greater wear.

成都升降机厂家提醒,如果轴承磨损更换超过一半,则就会造成设备报废。所以我们不建议使用频率较高的位置使用这种类型的设备。Chengdu lift manufacturers to remind, if the bearing wear and replace more than half, it will result in equipment scrapped. So we do not recommend the use of a higher frequency position to use this type of equipment.



